hey it's nadhila mischa miranda's! Nadhila Mischa Miranda

ultraman Pictures, Images and Photos2014 - 2015

Posted: Monday, June 29, 2015 | : dhila mischa |

little dino Pictures, Images and Photos
Been 2 years…. Since the last time I opened this blog.


Terlalu banyak thoughts yang gak bisa ditulis kalo kita baca dari belakang.
Terlalu banyak akselerasi juga that happened this past few years.

Here’s 2 years of me in a nutshell, of course I tried to be in English biar gak terlalu dungdats. Cemen kalo kita indo-in semua. Nanti gue baper.

looks like my bitter year. Well it kinda is, I started the year to accept the fact that I broke up and joined some activities that took up much of my time.
That year, I’ve been doomed. I  stated myself that I would never learn to love again. Trying to moved on, I have no time for myself, I met a guy, I failed, I droped my GPA score, no one support me on things I’ve been doing.
That year I think I reminizing all the mistakes I did. I was soo unhappy back then.

Tapi kita ga bisa berlama-lama di bawah bayangan diri sendiri sih. Karena sebenernya matahari itu terangin kita dari berbagai arah; where you should see everything on every side.
I broke up for a reason, I failed for a reason, I dropped the GPA score for a reason, and I even choose some extracurriculars to keep me busy for a reason.

In the end of the year, gue banyak banget belajar dari ngelihat setahun gue seterpuruk itu dengan waktu yang minim, kondisi uring-uringan, traumatize over things (iyah, terlalu big influence nya ke hidup gue tahun itu), and else.
Gue at least belajar untuk lebih peka terhadap masalah, ngebangun lagi diri sendiri dari awal, time managerials, and other materiil yang cuma didapet setelah kita ngalamin keterpurukan itu.

Intinya untuk 2014 kemarin,
You shall be stay positive on what’s coming, because you won’t know what’s waiting for you on the other line.

baru setengah tahun. Tapi gue melihat banyak perkembangan dari diri gue sendiri sih. Yea bijak? Gak deng ini sotil aja.
Gue bukan orang yang belajar komunal sejujurnya, tapi 2 tahun ini mengajarkan gue bahwa hidup social over matters. You will need to interact with each others, in which I precautionally not, dahulu kala. And look at me now, I was like clinged to all friends and relatives, cause I learned that, they did gave me big influence.

Earlier this year, started with how I influence people. Ah ini post nya beda sendiri aja ya, ini ceritanya post baperan gue dulu jadi mau less lawak (lah emg selama ini lucu dhil? Yea batu).  Gatau sih gue gimana ke orang, tapi feedback orang-orang terhadap apa yang gue sampaikan selalu bikin gue makin positif thinking sama kehidupan. Kasarnya; 2014 lalu bikin gue takut utk ngubah diri, dan 2015 (mostly dari awal tahun juga) literally kebalikan dari gue sebelumnya. true definition of maturity? I think not. 

and somehow, some people told me that I, actually indeed changed them, without I even know what I did to them. somehow this fact startled me all the way.

how you life a live, how you act to others, will always affect your surroundings. indeed.
self learn material, I do agree with that quotes. i think this thought change me big time too.

as far I can say, be thankful of everything that support you and be with you, cause you won't find them in anyway possible.

be grateful.
hell yea drill 2015 lg kenapa sob serius bener.

bye sebelum gua baper.


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